Activities and scientific achievements

Participation in Summer School, Vienna, July 2016

28. November 2016

The summer school “Key Challenges in rural development: Bringing economics, management and social sciences into practice” took place in Vienna. Over the course of 2 months, Kevin …

Film screening "Revolution with bare hands", May 2016

27. November 2016

This documentary commemorates the national uprising of October 2014 in Burkina Faso, which led to the overthrow of the president Blaise Compaoré. Different protagonists of the …

Presentation at the African Utility Week, 17-19 May 2016

27. November 2016

The African Utility Week is the largest conference and trade exhibition for African power and water utility professionals and offers a unique networking opportunity for engineers, stakeholders and solution providers in the water and energy sector alike. It is held annually in …

Film als Kunst- und Kulturform: Entwicklung zwischen Eurozentrismus, Exotisierung und Engagement

25. November 201654:09

In der Radiosendung wird auf das Medium Film, auf Filmemacher/innen aus dem globalen Süden und dem globalen Norden eingegangen und auf Möglichkeiten aber auch Schwierigkeiten und …

Speaker at OeAD AlumniTalks | Kevin Nyongesa, March 2016

25. November 2016

Kevin Nyongesa was invited to act as a speaker for the yearly OeAD AlumniTalks. The title of his presentation was "How to build up successful partnerships".