Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education & Research for Development (APPEAR)

Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development

APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation

Alumni Portrait of Tekeba Nega: Bridging Cultures and Improving Nutrition in Ethiopia

25. July 2024AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Tekeba Nega currently works as a dairy and poultry value chain consultant for SNV, a Dutch NGO in Ethiopia. He completed his PhD at BOKU University with an APPEAR scholarship.

Promoting young female scientists within the SOAA project

12. July 2024

Margarit Tigranyan, a young scientist and lecturer at ANAU, has been invited to attend the IPM conference 2024 in Brussels.

Edu4GEO2 | Report on 1st project year

10. July 2024

Major achievements in the first year included the development and approval of a new MSc Geomatics curriculum for DMU, the initiation of PhD projects for Ethiopian students funded …

Strengthening capacity of Higher Engineering Education for Sustainable Buildings

9. July 2024

The first annual report of the HEESeB project has been completed, highlighting significant milestones and achievements in promoting sustainable and resilient buildings in Bhutan.