Gender Mainstreaming

APPEAR, as a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation, aims to contribute to gender equality and to the individual and collective empowerment of women. This means that equal participation of women and men is envisaged in all areas and that gender dimensions are integrated systematically at all programme levels. Gender is an integral part of the contemporary discourse in science and research and thus represents an added value regarding the societal relevance of the project outcome. A gender-specific analysis of the context in which the research and/or the project takes place is required to understand social structures and institutions of the project and research environment. In addition, gender-specific measures and activities throughout the entire project cycle are crucial. Gender mainstreaming means incorporating gender perspectives in all processes, activities and measures and is an essential aspect of APPEAR.

Gender strategy

Promotion of women and gender studies at Austrian higher education institutions

This website offers an overview of offices for the promotion of women and gender studies at Austrian higher education institutions.