Graduation of first batch at Institute of Land Administration at Debre Markos University, Ethiopia

17. February 2021
group picture of bachelor graduates
In 2016, the Institute of Land Administration has been established at Debre Markos University with the financial support of the APPEAR project EduLAND2. In this year, the first batch of bachelor students have graduated.

Since 2016 more than 350 students are attending the new Bachelor’s programme (both regular and continuing education) on Land Administration and Surveying. Initially, the institute has started its academic duties by admitting 50 regular students in October 2016. Out of these, after four years of study, 30 regular students graduated in “Land Administration and Surveying” in January 2021. They are the first bachelor graduates in this study programme at the university. Due to the extended period of completion for continuing education programmes, the life-long-learning programmes could not finish their study until yet and even some regular students also did not complete their study in time.

Usually, at Ethiopian universities, the graduation is celebrated colorfully but due to the Covid-19 pandemic this year, the number of participants was limited. Nevertheless, the 30 graduates (20 of them female students) celebrated together with 4.094 other students from 45 different academic programmes. All project partners of EduLAND2, Debre Markos University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Technical University of Vienna, Bahir Dar University are proud that the consortium has achieved all the objectives stated in the project proposal. In addition, they are happy with the 30 students, who successfully finished their bachelor studies. Without doubt, many more graduates will follow over the coming years and ensure the sustainable success of the project and contribute to the country’s human resources in land administration.