Implementation of Academic Land Administration Education in Ethiopia for Supporting Sustainable Development | EduLAND2

Project team during kickoff meeting (opens larger image) © Debre Markos University

Project Coordinator: Reinfried Mansberger

Coordinating Institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Partner Institutions: Debre Markos University (Sayeh Kassaw Agegnehu), Technische Universität Wien (Gerhard Navratil), Bahir Dar University (Gebeyehu Belay)

Partner Country: Ethiopia

Project Duration: 1st of March 2016 – 29th of February 2020


This project aims to establish a Land Administration Competence Center (LACC) at Debre Markos University (DMU) to alleviate the shortage of trained academic workforce and to conduct problem solving research in the field of land administration. A specific focus of the DMU-LACC is given to be "fit for future" land administration.The project with a duration of four years will strengthen the capacities of all partner institutions in education, research, and management. It provides a significant contribution for the sustainable development of the nation by joint problem-oriented research, by building academic staff capability, by designing a research-driven BSc curriculum, by joint research activities, and by preparing demand driven community services – all within the scope of land administration.

The outcomes of the project contribute to improve living conditions of the local population, to guarantee land tenure security, and to provide an objective basis for decision-making in order to support good governance.