
Successful kickoff-meeting of project on peacebuilding and conflict transformation

28. February 2018

APPEAR-funded Partnership between Haramaya University and the University of Innsbruck. A report by Adham Hamed.

Volunteering at the Open Learning Initiative Courses for Refugees – OLIve

12. February 2018

The University of Vienna is offering free academic courses for individuals with refugee or asylum seeking status in Austria or another country of the European Economic Area (EEA) …

APPEAR on air - peace studies at University of Innsbruck and Haramaya University

6. February 2018

Dr. Gutema I. Keno, project coordinator of the APPEAR project HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (PSICPCT) …

Partnerschaftlich und auf Augenhöhe!?

6. February 201857:36

Gleichberechtigung in Partnerschaften im Kontext von Forschungskooperationen zwischen Österreich, Armenien, Georgien und Äthiopien sowie im Umfeld von mehrjährigen …

Lecture on gender and human rights at the Medical University of Vienna by APPEAR scholarship holder

2. February 2018

Having a lot of experiences in human rights APPEAR scholarship holder Elshaday Kifle Woldeyesus was invited in the winter semester 2017 to speak in a lecture series on …