
Visit of Laxenburg and IIASA with scholarship holders, 4 May 2018

7. May 2018

Nature walk, sightseeing and Austria’s most famous research institution were combined in this excursion for scholarship holders.

TEMACC project meeting in Ethiopia

3. May 2018

In April 2018, the TEMACC project team met again in Ethiopia to discuss the project progress and to test the software prototypes in Butajira.

APPEAR in practice_9: Organic agriculture in action

1. May 2018

This event presents experiences on organic agriculture in higher education and research from APPEAR projects in Armenia and Uganda.

Inspirational social work conference in Rwanda great success

27. March 2018

From the 19th to 22nd of March 2018, one of the biggest international social work conferences on the African continent took place in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, the Land of …

Innovative teaching methods in higher education

26. March 2018

The trend of integrating new information and communications technology into all facets of higher education is continuously expanding. There are different e-learning tools nowadays …