
APPEAR presents TEMACC-Ethiopia

11. September 2018PartnerschaftenEntwicklungsforschung

In this short video clip Dr. Rahel Bekele, national project coordinator of Addis Ababa University, presents the objectives of the project.

APPEAR supports climate protection projects

10. September 2018

In order to ensure an environmentally sustainable programme APPEAR makes use of the carbon offsetting system provided by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, …

How to implement transdisciplinarity in teaching? Experiences from Armenia and Georgia

7. September 2018

APPEAR scholar Tigran Keryan from Armenia participated in the Pilot Transdisciplinary Case Study Courses in Armenia and Georgia in June-July 2018. These field courses, which …

Sozialarbeit nach dem Genozid in Ruanda

31. August 201801:06:32

„Niemals wieder Genozid“ - diese Worte vernimmt man oft in dem kleinen ostafrikanischen Land Ruanda. Ein Podcast über die Versuche der Aufarbeitung.

Summer School report - Rooting Research in the Palestinian Context II

30. August 2018

In July, the second summer school of the APPEAR project Rooting Research in the Palestinian Context II took place at the University of Vienna. Continuing the discussions of the first summer school in Beirut in 2017, the participants further engaged with the overall question of …