
Akunk Organic Agriculture Farm Hits a Milestone, Thanks to SOAA Project's Impact!

25. January 2024

Armenian SOAA team reports launch of first organic product.

Empowering Lives in Burkina Faso Through Genetic Improvement of Animal Breeding

18. January 2024AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

APPEAR Alumnus Albert Soudré leads a transformative project in Burkina Faso's livestock sector

Einladung zur Verleihung des Österreichischen Preises für Entwicklungsforschung 2023

10. January 2024Entwicklungsforschung

Bereits zum 6. Mal wird der Österreichische Preis für Entwicklungsforschung vom BMBWF gemeinsam mit dem OeAD verliehen.

APPEAR in practice_18: Strengthening Bhutan’s Sustainable Building Practices

18. December 2023

Join us at the event on 26 January at the University of Innsbruck, where we focus on the project "Strengthening Capacity of Higher Engineering Education for Sustainable Buildings"

APPEAR 10th call: New projects and scholarship holders selected

15. December 2023Entwicklungsforschung

Following a competitive selection process, 6 Academic Partnership projects and 5 Preparatory Funding projects were selected for funding from a total of 54 applications.