
Graduation of first batch at Institute of Land Administration at Debre Markos University, Ethiopia

17. February 2021

In 2016, the Institute of Land Administration has been established at Debre Markos University with the financial support of the APPEAR project EduLAND2. In this year, the first …

Updated basic Information available in 8 languages

11. February 2021

On 1 March, 2021 the first call for applications of the third phase of the Austrian Partnership Program for Higher Education and Research for Development - APPEAR will open. The …

APPEAR in practice_15: Transdisciplinary approaches for university-community cooperation

8. February 2021

Project partners from BOKU Vienna, Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), Tbilisi State University (TSU), and IMC FH Krems presented their project, its results and outcomes …

Earthworms as alternative protein source for broiler chickens?

26. January 2021

Makerere University and TU Wien published an open access article as a result of collaborative research within the APPEAR project CapNex.

Online event: Transdisciplinary approaches for university-community cooperation in the Caucasus

18. January 2021

Presentation of and discussion on the APPEAR project CaucasusT on 27th of January 2021, 18:00-20:00 CET in the framework of the event series APPEAR in practice.