Activities and scientific achievements

Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa finalises PhD on media policy and promotion of gender equality in Ethiopia

28. July 2022

APPEAR scholar Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa reflects on her research findings and her experiences as a researcher in Austria.

Hasmik Hovakimyan from Armenia finalised her PhD with excellence

27. June 2022

On 2 June 2022, Hasmik Hovakimyan graduated from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna – the same year the university celebrates 150 years of …

APPEAR alumni Hafte Mebrahten studies carbon pools of indigenous agroforestry systems in Ethiopia

20. June 2022

His research showed that indigenous agroforestry systems have considerably higher carbon stocks than those reported for some tropical forests and agroforestry systems.

Benard Mucholwa Simiyu talks about his PhD on water quality in Nyanza Gulf, Kenya

23. May 2022

APPEAR scholar Benard Mucholwa Simiyu successfully completed his PhD live online from Technical University of Kenya on 15 February 2022. In this article, he provides insights on …

Hasmik Hovakimyan on conference visit in Évora, Portugal

18. May 2022

Only some weeks before finishing her PhD, APPEAR scholar Hasmik Hovakimyan joined the 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA).