Activities and scientific achievements

Three generations of scholarship holders from Ethiopia

13. June 2018

During the EduLAND project meeting at Bahir Dar University three generations of scholarship holders met to discuss land administration education in Ethiopia, which is the focus of …

Participation at Conference on productive, sustainable and resilient agriculture and food systems

11. June 2018

Scholarship holder Zipporah Gichana aims at improving the sustainability of aquaponics in Kenya through her PhD research.

Life Science Universities and the Sustainable Development Goals

4. June 2018

Our APPEAR scholar Vincent-Paul Sanon presented a poster at the GCUA workshop on Sustainable Development Goals and the role of Life Science Universities.

Global challenges in Gender, Media and Politics - Lecture by Bruktawit KASSA

28. May 2018

Having a lot of experiences on the topic media and gender our scholar Bruktawit KASSA was invited to give a lecture to Master students at the University of Vienna.

Vienna UNI RUN 2018 - Run at your pace and meet the target

24. May 2018

"I liked most that the run was to finish 5 km in a mood of fun. Everybody run the way he or she could whether you are a good runner or not..."