Activities and scientific achievements

Making Climate-Smart Agriculture Real in Africa with Conservation Agriculture

12. February 2019

APPEAR scholar Sara Kaweesa presented a paper at the 2nd Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (2ACCA), from 9th-12th October 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The congress …

“Taking cooperation to the digital age” - High-Level Forum Africa-Europe 2018

24. January 2019

APPEAR scholarship holders Anne Birundu and Vincent-Paul Sanon participated at the High-Level Forum Africa-Europe, that took place on 18th of December in Vienna within the Austrian …

Developing new models of sustainable community cooperation in mountain regions of Georgia

24. January 2019

APPEAR scholar Lela Khartishvili from Georgia conducted the first research on community based tourism in Georgia and Armenia. The study reveals the role of tourism in community …

Paper presentation at a conference for sustainable development in dryland environments

24. January 2019

APPEAR scholarship holder Sonnia Musyoka as part of her doctoral work, presented a paper at the Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Dryland …

PhD Research on aquaculture systems in Kenya

2. January 2019

APPEAR scholarship holder Zipporah Gichana, as part of her doctoral work, presented a paper entitled “Effect of Different Biofilters on Performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis …