APPEAR CO2 compensation fund contributes to clean air and safe drinking water in Uganda

28. February 2022
device for solar water disinfection
Already since more than five years the APPEAR programme compensates the CO2 emissions from its project mobilities, using the carbon offsetting system provided by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOK).

All flights from project members, scholarship holders, APPEAR staff or other programme related travels are compensated. During this period more than 24,000 euros have been spent on different climate protection initiatives.

One project which is funded with money raised from offsetting the CO2 is the project “Safe Drinking Water and Clean Air for Soroti / Uganda”.  It contributes to the sustainable development in rural areas through the reduction of CO2-emissions and air pollution in indoor areas, as well as the provision of safe drinking water through the use of solar water disinfection devices. The project which started in 2019 aims to reduce at least 20.000 tons of CO2 over five years. Another aim is to provide 40.000 liters of disinfected water per day (15 mil. Liters per year)

See further project information