International Social Work: Journal prize goes to APPEAR project

17. February 2020 Entwicklungsforschung
portrait of Mr. Spitzer
The renowned journal “International Social Work” awards an annual prize for the best scientific article published in a given year.

The prize for the best article in 2019 was awarded to Prof. Helmut Spitzer from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences for his contribution “Social work in East Africa: A mzungu perspective“. In this paper, the author portrays contemporary challenges for social work education and practice in countries of the East African Community from an intercultural perspective.

The analysis in the article is based on empirical research and long-standing networks with partner universities in East Africa within the Project PROSOWO | Promotion of Professional Social Work in East Africa, which  started in 2010 with an APPEAR preparatory funding and subsequently ran from 2011 to 2014 and from 2016 to 2019 as “advanced academic partnership”. Key components of the project were basic and applied practice research, curriculum development, capacity building of schools and national associations of social work, as well as increased engagement of social work professionals in social policy and advocacy for human rights.

The journal prize is awarded to the authors of the article that best reflects the aims and scope of the journal to explore and promote the development of international social work. Articles are judged according to the criteria of scholarship, relevance to a wide range of readers, originality, international focus, and contribution to international theory, policy, and research.

The price acknowledges the relevance of the APPEAR Programme to contribute towards poverty reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals.