Exchange of teaching and learning practices in higher education of Austria and Georgia

27. January 2020
Project partners looking at technical equipment
In the frame of the running bilateral APPEAR project ACCES, professors and young teachers from the GTU, Tbilisi visited BOKU Vienna in June and in December 2019. The meeting focused on the exchange of teaching, learning and research experiences and educational technologies currently applied at Austrian and Georgian universities.

Therefore, meetings with the experts of the teaching centres of BOKU and of the University Graz were organized. The Georgian and Austrian teams continued the discussions started in June on implementation of innovative emerging technologies in teaching and learning, different approaches for skills assessment, ongoing didactic qualification and professionalization of educators.

The guests were particularly interested in quality management systems at university. Therefore, meetings at the quality management unit of the BOKU were also conducted. The focus of the discussions laid on quality assurance of the new curricula and of the university development on different levels, the ways of assessments and surveys in collaboration with student representatives and stakeholders.

At the end, a scientific-technical excursion on water management was organized, visiting waterworks for drinking water and wastewater treatment plants of the municipality of Tulln. This excursion was a joint activity with the bilateral project “Training of Trainees” between Austria (SETEC Engineering) and Georgia (GTU) in partnership with the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (SIG), BOKU.