Final event of ROOTDEVPAL project in Vienna

15. January 2019
Shop in a little village in the Palestinian Territories
The ROOTDEVPAL team is organising this final event / lecture with the title "Development and/as Resistance: Experiences of an APPEAR-project on Palestine", taking place on Wednesday, 16th of January 2019, 4.15-5.45 pm.

Based on wide-spread criticisms articulated by (Palestinian) scholars and activists at the Oslo process and its dominant development model, one of the main tasks of the APPEAR-project entitled Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context | ROOTDEVPAL was to work out different meanings of alternative development in the Palestinian context from a wide range of perspectives.

Helmut Krieger and Klaudia Rottenschlager will reflect on the alternative development agenda and other questions in this lecture.

Date: 16th of January 2019

Location: Seminar room, IE, Department of African Studies Spitalgasse 2, Courtyard 5, 1090 Vienna

Invitation to lecture

Project website