Scholarship holder participated in summer school "Rooting research in the Palestinian context"

4. October 2018
Three women sitting at a table on what looks like the terrace of a café
For Hada it was an opportunity to witness participatory research by the research groups from Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon, as a method applied in different settings. The discussion contributed to her understanding of knowledge production practices at higher education institutions, which she is focusing on in her PhD research. It also added to her understanding of the importance of the critical stance in social science research. Hada also acted as an interpreter for the summer school participants.

The summer school took place within the APPEAR project Rooting Research in the Palestinian Context | ROOTDEVPAL. Continuing the discussions of the first summer school in Beirut in 2017, the participants further engaged with the overall question of what it means to change perspectives of knowledge production in / on Palestine and Palestinian communities in their different localities.

Hada Aleryan holds a Masters of Business administration with a Bachelor in Economics from Birzeit University. Currently she is a PhD student in the Department for Development Studies at the Universtiy of Vienna. Hada is researching on the transformations of the higher education sector in Palestine. Before that she worked at the Vice-President for Community Affairs Office at Birzeit University and previously at the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy.