Project meetings, workshops and public lecture of SHE-GE project

12. January 2018
Group of people posing for a picture
The SHE_GE project (Strengthening Higher Education Capacities in Palestine for Gender Equality) has just finished their first project exchange visit that took place at the University of Graz. Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Sanaa Abou-Dagga from the IUG (Islamic University Gaza) travelled to Graz to present the project within the university and at a public lecture.

The project team at University of Graz and one representative from the Islamic University of Gaza met for the very first time in January 2018.

The project application took place in spring 2017 and the only means of communication were Skype conferences and emails. The project was successful and was finally selected in May 2017. In June 2017 it officially began and since then an impressive number of project activities has been initiated.

In January 2018 Prof. Sanaa Abou-Dagga visited her partners at Graz as well as the APPEAR Office in Vienna. This visit enabled the project partners to further elaborate project activities, to network with other projects and stakeholders and to discuss about possible future aspects that could enrich the project.

An article on the visit of Prof. Abou-Dagga can be found on the website of the University of Graz (in German only).