APPEAR on air - Ö1 Dimensionen with STRECAFISH project

18. December 2017
Fishing boats in green surroundings
Team members from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) were invited to the radio broadcast "Dimensionen", a well-known broadcast that focuses on scientific questions and presents the results of applied research. In this edition, the focus was around aquaculture in East Africa, the topic of the APPEAR project STRECAFISH.

The general objective of the STRECAFISH project is to promote regional capacity building and integration of higher education through institutional networking in the field of aquatic resource utilisation and management to ensure improved food and nutritional security through increased fish production and sustainable resource management.

Under the following link you can listen to the Ö1 broadcast from 14th of December 2017 for the next seven days (in German only).

Link to radio broadcast

Further information