APPEAR in practice_3

28. November 2013
Three women sitting on the panel
Ugandan Experiences. The Art of Pursuing Gender Equity.

APPEAR in practice

APPEAR in practice invites project partners to reflect and discuss their experiences referring to a specific topic in the project implementation process of their partnerships. Gender equity is a key concept in the development discourse.


Consolata Kabonesa completed a Master in Human and Community Development at Illinois University and a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies at Illinois University in the USA. Now she is the Dean of the School of Women and Gender Studies at Makerere University. Her main research interest are gender issues, she works in different projects as a researcher and a consultant. She is the Ugandan project coordinator of the appear project GENDER – Promoting Gender Responsive Budgetingand Gender Mainstreaming in Uganda.

Elisabeth Klatzer has received a PhD in Economics from Vienna University of Economics (WU) and a post graduate degree in Public Administration from Harvard University, Kennedy School of Public Policy. She is the coordinator of the appear project GENDER, which is a joint cooperation project between Makerere University and Kyambogo University in Uganda with the WU.The focus of her work includes research, international consultancy and civil society activism in Gender Responsive Budgeting, feminist economics as well as people-centered transformations in regional and global economic policy and governance.

Janestic Mwende Twikirize is a Lecturer at Makerere University – Department of Social Work and Social Administration.She is the National Coordinator (Uganda) of the project PROSOWO – Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa. Dr. Twikirize is also the Vice President of the Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa and a board member of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW). She has worked as aconsultant for a number of governmental and non-governmental agencies. Her research areas and published works focus on a range of contemporary social development issues in her country and the Africa region.

Chair: Téclaire Ngo Tam, Journalist