
Panel Discussion - World Food Day 2016

6. February 2017

Scholarship holder Sara Kaweesa participated in a panel discussion to mark the world food day event organised by Ökosoziales Forum in Vienna.

Project partner Helmut Krieger talks about project ROOTDEVPAL

11. January 2017

In this video Helmut Krieger shortly introduces the project Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context | ROOTDEVPAL and talks about the main pillars of the project, the need to consider the Palestinian diaspora in developmental and academic efforts and many more aspects of …

Film Days 2016 | participation of PROSOWO project

29. December 2016

In cooperation with the "this human world" film festival APPEAR screened the documentary "Unforgiven: Rwanda”. The film presented the process of forgiveness and reconciliation 20 …

APPEAR project PEEB organised international conference

28. December 2016

The International Engineering Conference IEC6 on Energy Efficient Buildings was organised by the PEEB project. More than 800 participants attended the conference. A comprehensive documentation of the conference has been compiled.

Kick-off in Georgia - APPEAR project ACCES

14. December 2016

The first meeting of the capacity building project Academic Collaboration for (Building) Capacity in Environmental Studies | ACCES, a partnership between Georgian Technical …