
Austausch und Vernetzung laufender APPEAR-Projekte

3. December 2018PartnerschaftenEntwicklungsforschung

Mittwoch vergangener Woche, am 28.11., fand im OeAD-Haus ein weiteres APPEAR-Projektleiter/innen-Treffen statt. APPEAR ist das Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education …

Exchange visit to the Center for Students with Disability at Addis Ababa University

3. December 2018

In the framework of the second annual meeting of the INEDIS project, Lukas Ertl from Barrierefrei Studieren at the University of Vienna visited Addis Ababa University. Besides …

The second SEA4cities webinar...

27. November 2018

...successfully gathered participants from three countries on discussing the local dimension in energy governance. The webinar started with an overview of SEA4cities facts followed …

APPEAR in practice_11: The art of mastering e-learning

12. November 2018Entwicklungsforschung

Challenges and opportunities, examples from Kenya, Austria and Namibia. Presentations and discussion on 28th of November at 6pm at OeAD.

Paper presentation on “Life Experience of Street Children in the City of Kigali”

9. November 2018

Charles Rutikanga, current APPEAR scholar and PhD candidate at the University of Vienna, participated at the International Conference on Child Protection in Africa. He presented …