
Publication of RETEM project about renewable energy resources in Mozambique

21. April 2021

The main objective of the study was to present the energy situation in Mozambique from widely available renewable energy resources with focus on four major sources, namely: solar, …

Scholar Crista Stubb studies role of mangroves to combat Climate Change

20. April 2021

Mangrove ecosystems are very important to the people living in coastal regions in Nicaragua. Scholar Crista Stubb reports about the importance of her MA studies and her experiences …

Scholar Tigran Keryan finishes doctoral studies on transdisciplinarity in Georgia and Armenia

14. April 2021

APPEAR scholar Tigran Keryan recently completed his doctoral program at BOKU University, Vienna. In this article he reports about his research which was part of the project: …

APPEAR webinar for applicants on 22 April 2021

13. April 2021

The APPEAR Office will hold a webinar for applicants of the 8th call to discuss questions concerning the application procedure to facilitate successful applications.

Wir gratulieren unserem Stipendiaten zum Gewinn des Neptun Wasserpreises 2021

6. April 2021EntwicklungsforschungScholars

APPEAR-Stipendiat Geda Kebede Oncho ist der Gewinner des österreichischen Neptun Wasserpreises 2021 in der Kategorie „FORSCHT“. Laut Jury ist das Projekt ein gelungenes Beispiel …