Past events

Film Days 2015: Stadt.Land.Wandel.

24. November 2015

For the fourth time, APPEAR – in cooperation with the Commission for Development Research (KEF) – organised the Film Days Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung.

APPEAR programme presentation in Yerevan

14. May 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of a training in the Tempus/EU project “GOVERN” at the Yerevan Medical University

APPEAR programme presentation in Graz

21. April 2015

WUS Austria used the opportunity to present APPEAR while being host of a workshop on the „Development of Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks“ in the frame of the TEMPUS project …

APPEAR programme presentation in Georgia

8. April 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of the final event of the project “UNIMIG - Migration and Higher Education - Building Skills and Capacities” at Tbilisi State University

APPEAR programme presentation in Moldova

7. April 2015

The presentation was embedded in the frame of the TEMPUS project “Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Moldova”. The conference “From Quality Assurance to …