APPEAR on air

Ö1 Campusradio - „Der See als Mikrokosmos“: Limnologie zwischen Österreich & Ostafrika

9. October 201552:49

The guests of this radio broadcast introduced the the International Training Programme in Limnology (IPGL) and talked about the history of this 40-year-old cooperation between East …

Ö1 Campusradio - Der Klimawandel: Globale Auswirkungen unseres Verhaltens

28. May 201558:59

In this radio broadcast two experts from an APPEAR-project talked about climate change on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, one of the most vulnerable regions. They also discussed …

Ö1 Campusradio - „Flüssiges Gold“: Wasser - der Rohstoff des 21. Jahrhunderts?

24. April 201559:43

In this radio broadcast the guests were invited to talk about the causes of water scarcity and their impact on human everyday life, using examples from Ethiopia, the Gaza Strip and …

Ö1 Campusradio - Das APPEAR Programm: Rückblick – Rundblick – Ausblick

27. March 201559:58

The three guests of this radio broadcast had been involved in the setting up and the implementation of the APPEAR programme from the very beginning. Listen to their conclusions …

Ö1 Campusradio - Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Umbruch, im Aufbruch?

27. February 201556:39

According to many experts development cooperation is in a deep crisis and the reasons for this are numerous. Some answers to many questions are given by the guests of this radio …